Professional Culinary Arts

Cooking is an art. Kitchens was the Executive workshops this is art. Food eaten in the kitchen of every successful restaurant is not necessarily a successful chef's touch. Cookery, although a talent, though, it is imperative to learn the rules of the training kitchen, no doubt. News for International Culinary Arts kitchen. That's our training, cooking benefits to people who want to make a career or working in the field of aims.

Kitchen Academy is a private education institution under the Ministry of national education. At the end of the training ministry of education approved domestic and foreign public institutions and organizations within the scope of the current professional qualification Course completion certificate. Private vocational training Center located within the Ruby Kitchen graduated from College at the Academy of gastronomy, food & beverage Manufacturing sector in the field by trainers with experience, with personalized equipment layout kitchen workshop our professional culinary education. Vocational training is provided as a theoretical and practical. In addition, at the end of our corporate business internship training.

Training time: 4 months education + 4 months training

Course Content

Hygiene sanitation, HACCP, House charge, cost calculation, menu planning, food items, use of a knife and cutting techniques, meat cutting and processing techniques, vegetable soup and General soups, cakes and pastries, prey animals, poultry, sauce and flavourings, salads and salad dressing, grid technique and sautes, seafoods, Classical Turkish cuisine, breez technique, salads, vegetarian cuisine, kitchen preparation, vegetable varieties,  Leguminous plants, Pasta and mushrooms, kolteyl dishes, buffet desserts, bone broth, binders, basic sauces, emulsion sauce, eggs and sandwiches.

100.000,00 TL